Monday, September 28, 2009

What is observableCollection in WPF

In many cases the data that you work with is a collection of objects. For example, a common scenario in data binding is to use anItemsControl such as a ListBox, ListView, or TreeView to display a collection of records.
You can enumerate over any collection that implements the IEnumerable interface. However, to set up dynamic bindings so that insertions or deletions in the collection update the UI automatically, the collection must implement the INotifyCollectionChanged interface. This interface exposes the CollectionChanged event, an event that should be raised whenever the underlying collection changes.
WPF provides the ObservableCollection(T) class, which is a built-in implementation of a data collection that implements theINotifyCollectionChanged interface.
Before implementing your own collection, consider using ObservableCollection(T) or one of the existing collection classes, such as List(T),Collection(T), and BindingList(T), among many others. If you have an advanced scenario and want to implement your own collection, consider using IList, which provides a non-generic collection of objects that can be individually accessed by index. Implementing IList provides the best performance with the data binding engine.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What is SaaS

Software as a service (or SaaS) is a way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management.

SaaS applications are sometimes called Web-based software, on-demand software, or hosted software. Whatever the name, SaaS applications run on a SaaS provider’s servers. The provider manages access to the application, including security, availability, and performance.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What are the three kinds of routed events in WPF and how do they differ?

Routed events in WPF are direct, tunneling a bubbling. A direct event can be raised only by the element in which it originated. A bubbling event is raised first by the element in which it originates and then is raised by each successive container in the visual tree. A tunneling event is raised first by the topmost container in the visual tree and then down through each successive container until it is finally raised by the element in which it originated. Tunneling and bubbling events allow elements of the user interface to respond to events raised by their contained elements.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What is the difference between Navigation applicaton and XBAPs in WPF?

While both are page-based applications. Navigation Page application are used for navigation applicated hosted with full trust policy that makes them ideal for deployment in secure environment. XBAPs are generally design for Window Explorer and are not locally installed. They are partial trust application restricted to use local file system, Database, registries and other sensitive resources and this makes them ideal for wide distribution
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